cat Litter Bags for Automatic Litter Box Extra-Thick Cat Litter Box Liners for MeoWant/catlink/Tonepie Toilette
cat Litter Bags for Automatic Litter Box Extra-Thick Cat Litter Box Liners for MeoWant/catlink/Tonepie Toilette
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Brand Name: SINGWEDA
Choice: yes
Feature: Totally Closed
Hign-concerned Chemical: None
Is Smart Device: No
Material: Plastic
Model Number: Cat Litter Bags for Automatic Litter Box Extra-Thick Cat Litter Box Li
Origin: Mainland China
Type: cats

From the brand
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Cat Litter Box Liners Bags
Litter bags custom-designed for EXPEDMAN, YQpet, PetCove, PETKIT, Meowant, Furrytail, and NBBX, ensuring swift removal of cat waste.

Kitty Litter Bags
45/80 Count cat litter bags for automatic litter box
I'm a small seller, I offer premium Kitcanis automatic cat litter box bags designed to fit popular brands such as EXPEDMAN and PETKIT. Measuring 17.7" x 18.5", these 1.8 MIL thick bags are durable and feature a double drawstring for easy disposal. With (45/80)per pack, they keep your litter box clean and efficient. Please check compatibility with your specific model before purchasing. For any questions, our support team is here to assist!
How do I confirm if these Kitcanis litter box bags will fit my automatic litter box?
Kitcanis litter box bags are designed to fit automatic litter boxes from brands like EXPEDMAN, YQpet, PetCove, PETKIT, MeoWant MW-SC01, MW-SC02, MW-LR01, Furrytail, and NBBX. Measuring 17.7" x 18.5", please refer to the compatibility images provided to ensure a perfect fit for your model.
Are these bags durable enough for everyday use?
Yes, Kitcanis bags are made from thick 1.8 MIL LDPE plastic, which is 30% thicker than standard bags. With a maximum load capacity of 25 lbs..
Product Description
